Q. How do I know if I have the most current version of AnswerChat?
A. Click here, to see the newest version of AnswerChat
and how to upgrade your computer to the new version.
Q. How do I change my AnswerChat version type from Standard to Pro?
A. Click here, to see how to change your AnswerChat version type.
Q. Can I make my own AnswerChat button to display on my website?
Yes. To do this you need to make two seperate graphics. One for when you have AnswerChat enabled and one for when AnswerChat is disabled. Then email those graphics to info@answerchat.com and we will email you back when they are ready to be used.
Q. Can I use AnswerChat on more then one website?
A. Yes, if you have multiple websites you can put the AnswerChat button on any number of websites and pages.
Q. How do I add more operators to my account?
Go to "Your Account" and login. First select "Create a new operator". Once the operator is created, go back into "Your Account" and select "Change your account or operator settings". Click on the Operators link, under the Account URL. Then select "Add a New Operator", type in the Operators name, click OK, then click the "Save Operator Settings" button.
Q. Does AnswerChat keep logs of the chat conversations?
A. Yes, AnswerChat keeps a log of all conversations you have.
Q. How do I change the look of my AnswerChat window?
A. Go to "Your Account" and login. Select "Change your account or operator settings". Click on the "Display" link, under the Account URL. Select the color you would like to use to display your AnswerChat window. Then click the "Save Display Settings" button.
Q. What port number does the AnswerChat software use?
A. The AnswerChat client, on the operators side, uses port number 1999. The visitor/customer side of the chat does not need to free up any ports.
Q. How do the features of AnswerChat and AnswerChat Lite compare?
A. Click here, to see feature comparision
and the cost comparison.
Q. How do I maximize the usage of AnswerChat on my website?
A. Click here, to view our 'Generate More Chats' checklist..
Q. What is the best way for me and my operators to chat with our clients/customers?
A. Click here, to view our 'Chat Etiquette' checklist.